Friday, February 1, 2008

Up with Dresses, Down with Fascists

27 Dresses
was $9.75 (thank you, Sara's student I.D.) well spent. I don't like that many "chick flicks," I don't really enjoy weddings, and I've been completely ambivalent toward Katherine Heigl besides applauding the healthiness of her figure. (Speaking of, I really do applaud things, reflexively; it is not just a turn of phrase. When Jamie Bell came onscreen as the antagonist in the preview for
Jumper, I clapped like a meth-addicted cheerleader before I knew what was happening.) Now I'm going to have to own this movie, and watch it every time it shows up on TBS two years from now, and I want to be best friends with Heigl in the same way I'd like to be best friends with Wendy Crompton, except I think Heigl is less busy. (I also want to be friends with Judy Greer from this movie, who manages to be enthusiastically"over it" at all times. And hey, if James Marsden weren't married, I'd say yes to a date or five. Throw him a bone, you know.) Can you have a crush on a whole movie? Can I write slash fiction about 27 Dresses/Love, Actually? That was the last time I liked one of these romantic thingies this much. I should write a real review of this, but I don't want to. I should also balance this experience out soon by watching There Will Be Blood, or, like, voting. For now, I am content to geek out.

I still don't much care for weddings, though. Thumbs up to marriage, for sure, but weddings and receptions give me a combination mall shopping/school dance/funeral feeling, and P.S. that is slash fiction I will not be writing. I bet my feelings will change when I attend an LDS temple sealing, but I also bet the reception afterwards will still leave me feeling like a stale marshmallow peep in a microwave. Brides and grooms should simply float away in hot-air balloons, or on the spaceship from Flight of the Navigator, and the rest of us can wave handkerchiefs and cry and then have a way better party.
Okay, fine, that's not nice. I do appreciate cake, and treating the commitment of two people like it's V-E Day, because in this day and age, it pretty much is. Beating the Nazis, if NAZI stood for "Nookie + Awkwardness + Zoo + Insincerity." What? The "Z" made that tricky.


CompTron said...

i plan on leaving for my honeymoon fairly immediately in the 'flight of the navigator' craft with max, david, the hat-munching monster, and david's older brother who i had a huge crush on when i was i hope you'll come to my wedding.

Mother Earth said...

James marsden is my new boyfriend so back off yo.